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Moving away from Fossil Fuel: Possible Roles of Hydrogen and Methanol

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2015-09-28  |  【打印】 【关闭



  应重点实验室邀请, University of Stuttgart and University of PretoriaEmil Roduner教授将于930日访问重点实验室并做学术报告,现将相关事宜通知如下:  



  报告人:Emil Roduner教授 

   目: Moving away from Fossil Fuel: Possible Roles of Hydrogen and Methanol 



  The cost of photovoltaic electricity based on silicon solar cells has decreased in a near-linear fashion over the past several decades and has now reached a break-even point with coal-based electricity in sun-rich countries. Major recent progress in the development of perovskite solar cells which have exceeded 18% energy efficiency nourishes the expectation that prices of solar cells will continue to drop. Using the so far under-utilized solar energy resources opens an economically viable perspective for a fundamental transition from coal-based to largely solar electricity in a mix of renewable energies which provide for the country’s necessary reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.  

  However, the cyclic availability of photovoltaic or other renewable power is not quite compatible with electricity demand cycles. Therefore, transient energy storage on a large scale is of paramount importance. Apart from hydroelectric storage which is the method of choice in water-rich, mountainous areas, storage in the form of chemical energy, i.e. as molecular hydrogen or as liquid fuel or molten salts from concentrated solar power, remain the only realistic options at the required scale. Here we outline a concept for possible options and consequences of such a transition in South Africa and in other sun-rich and low population density countries like Australia, selected areas in China or in Saudi Arabia. Concepts of closed-cycle storage and methanol electro-reforming will be sketched.



  Emil Roduner教授于1980年在瑞士苏黎士大学获得博士学位、1988年获得苏黎士大学物理化学专业Venia Legendi(德语系国家大学任教资格),1995年起担任德国斯图加特大学物理化学系系主任,1998年组建斯图加特大学磁共振研究院并担任院长。 

   Emil Roduner教授领导的课题组采用电子自旋共振、红外光谱等技术研究纳米原子簇的性质和活性以及聚合物离子交换膜在氢氧自由基作用下的稳定性。 

  他是国际磁共振领域及材料科学领域的知名专家,曾多次组织高水平国际学术会议,在Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., J. Phys. Chem., ChemPhysChem等国际一流学术刊物上发表研究论文220篇。他还获得过1988年瑞士化学会Werner Preis奖章、2005年德国马普研究所Paul-Peter Ewald Lecture奖、2007Fuel-Cell特别奖、2007年德国Professor of the Year奖等多项学术奖励。 



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